Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fetal Rights Essay

The government sees the rights of the human fetus as a complex topic, along with civil and human rights. In most states fetuses are not given entitlements because it can be seen as a violation of the privileges of the woman carrying the fetus. As of today the U. S. Supreme Court does not recognize the fetus as a person under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution (Constitution). In the Declaration of Independence it is stated that the government is in place to give the U. S. people, â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,† as part of societies’ inalienable rights. In the entitlements of a fetus – a combination of a sperm and an egg – which many believe becomes a human being at the moment of conception. If this is the case then the fetus is entitled to these same privileges. Society should be able to go against the government in the case of fetal rights because they deserve to be treated as any other U. S. citizen. The citizens of the U. S. should fight for the rights of the fetuses because that is where every human being’s life began. The treatment of these unborn infants throughout pregnancy affects the overall health, both physical and mental, throughout their lifetime. Society and government officials need to put themselves in the situation of the disabled or mentally ill children that are born into this world with a preventable defect had they been taken care of properly within the womb. When a woman is pregnant they harbor another life that is completely innocent and should be treated as so. The fetus deserves to be given the same inalienable rights that those already born into this world receive, despite the wishes of the carrier. The acknowledgement of the human fetus and determining whether or not it has certain rights varies from state to state. In 1987 in the state of California, these rights were put to a test in the case of People vs. Stewart (Maternal). In this case Ms. Stewart had been charged with child abuse because she had been stated to have â€Å"willfully omitting to furnish medical services. † Her actions caused the child to be born with cranial damage and then died in the following two months (Maternal). In 1986 the judge charged her offense for harming this child in its’ fetus state, but on February 26, 1987 the charge was revoked. A new judge was assigned from the state of California and came upon the conclusion that Ms.  Stewart could not be penalized because she was in the state of pregnancy (Maternal). It was seen that Ms. Stewart was in the right when abusing her own body therefore affecting the fetus because she was committing an action to herself and a fetus without rights. The debate of the fetus and the rights it has conflict with those of woman rights. In some states, women’s rights in the terms of pregnancy include the ability to have an abortion under certain circumstances such as: rape, drug-abuse, or incest (Isaacs). This element arose in the case of Roe vs. Wade when identifying the personal rights and the role of prevention from the government (Brant ed. ). Society should be able to recognize the difference between a woman who is unable to carry a baby, for whatever reason, and the abuse of the child within the womb and the affects after birth. If fetuses were given the same inalienable rights as other U. S. citizens that have already been born into then the abuse of these infants would be put to an end. The gynecologist who sees after these women as they go through pregnancy would be able to protect the fetus from harm if the mother revealed the use of substance abuse during pregnancy. Currently, if a mother confesses to the doctor she is misusing a substance during pregnancy the doctor is not able to prevent this from continuing, as it would violate the woman’s rights. Infants born with an addiction to drugs or alcohol would be put to a halt completely because the mother would be unable to take part in these actions, as she would be in turn harming the fetus. The doctors would have the right to place these women in the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy to prevent further drug use. Today much of society is unaware that the fetus is given certain rights, but they seem to be overruled by the maternal rights of the mother (Isaac). If society was well informed of the treatment of these children maybe there would begin to be a movement to give these infants the rights they deserve. The opinions of the concerned and well informed citizens needs to be heard by government officials and even by the mothers who continue to choose to harm themselves and their child throughout pregnancy. The words and concern of fellow citizens could stop the ill treatment of the fetuses and given them the rights they are entitled to from the moment of conception. If citizens came together and drew a line on the rights for both parties and if health care was reformed to provide more affordable birth control so pregnancy could be prevented. If the future mothers were able to receive help for their substance abuse early on then they could be sent to rehabilitation centers before becoming pregnant. These ideas could help become the solution for the mothers and the fetuses.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kinetic Friction

Experiment 4: Friction Laboratory Report Anna Rucelli Ignacio Michael Giorgio Lapus Ted William Lardizabal Janell Leica Lee Department of Occupational Therapy College of Reabilitation Sciences, University of Santo Tomas Espana, Manila Philippines Abstract The experiment verifies the laws of friction with the use of a spring scale, a block of wood, its different surfaces and the different surfaces of other objects. Another part of the experiment uses the palms of the hands to produce friction then apply lubricants then see the differences. The experiment also observes the effect of air resistance on falling paper. 1. Introduction Friction is the force resisting the relative lateral (tangential) motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, or material elements in contact. It is usually subdivided into several varieties: * Dry friction resists relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact. Dry friction is also subdivided into static friction between non-moving surfaces, and kinetic friction (sometimes called sliding friction or dynamic friction) between moving surfaces. Lubricated friction or fluid friction resists relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces separated by a layer of gas or liquid. * Fluid friction is also used to describe the friction between layers within a fluid that are moving relative to each other. * Skin friction is a component of drag, the force resisting the motion of a solid body through a fluid. * Internal friction is the force resisting motion between the elements making up a solid mate rial while it undergoes deformation. Friction is not a fundamental force, as it is derived from electromagnetic force between charged particles, including electrons, protons, atoms, and molecules, and so cannot be calculated from first principles, but instead must be found empirically. When contacting surfaces move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into thermal energy, or heat. Contrary to earlier explanations, kinetic friction is now understood not to be caused by surface roughness but by chemical bonding between the surfaces. Surface roughness and contact area, however, do affect kinetic friction for micro- and nano-scale objects where surface area forces dominate inertial forces. The normal force is defined as the net force compressing two parallel surfaces together; and its direction is perpendicular to the surfaces. In the simple case of a mass resting on a horizontal surface, the only component of the normal force is the force due to gravity, where N=mg. In this case, the magnitude of the friction force is the product of the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the coefficient of friction. However, the coefficient of friction is not a function of mass or volume; it depends only on the material. For instance, a large aluminum block has the same coefficient of friction as a small aluminum block. However, the magnitude of the friction force itself depends on the normal force, and hence the mass of the block. If an object is on a level surface and the force tending to cause it to slide is horizontal, the normal force N, between the object and the surface is just its weight, which is equal to its mass multiplied by the acceleration due to earth's gravity, g. If the object is on a tilted surface such as an inclined plane, the normal force is less, because less of the force of gravity is perpendicular to the face of the plane. Therefore, the normal force, and ultimately the frictional force, is determined using vector analysis, usually via a free body diagram. Depending on the situation, the calculation of the normal force may include forces other than gravity. [pic] A common way to reduce friction is by using a lubricant, such as oil, water, or grease, which is placed between the two surfaces, often dramatically lessening the coefficient of friction. The science of friction and lubrication is called tribology. Lubricant technology is when lubricants are mixed with the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives. Superlubricity, a recently-discovered effect, is the substantial decrease of friction between two sliding objects, approaching zero levels. A very small amount of frictional energy would still be dissipated. 2. Theory ?s = maximum static friction normal force ?K = kinetic friction normal force 3. Methodology For the first activity, a piece of wood was placed on top of a wooden board with a spring scale attach to it. The minimum force needed to start the motion was determined by pulling the spring balance which is numerically equivalent to the maximum static friction. The kinetic friction was determined by pulling the spring balance with constant motion. This procedure was repeated by using the other sides of the block and their fsmax and fK was recorded. For the first trial in the second activity, the fsmax and fK of the wooden block was determined. For the succeeding trials, 100g weight is added to the block every trial and their fsmax and fK was recorded. This was called the normal force which is equivalent to the weight of the block plus 100g. After getting their fsmax and fK, their  µs was calculated by using the formula  µs = fsmax/fn. Also the  µK was calculated by using the formula fK/ fn. For the first trial of the third activity, the fsmax and fK of the wooden block was determined while it was pulled over a wooden board. In the second trial, the wooden surface/board was replaced with the tiles of the floor. So the wooden block was pulled over the tiles of the floor and its fsmax and fK of the wooden block was recorded. For the third trial, sand paper was used as surface while the wooden block was pulled and its fsmax and fK was recorded. For the next trial, plastic cover was used as surface while the wooden block was pulled and its fsmax and fK was recorded. Lastly, paper/cartolina was used as surface while the wooden block was being pulled and its fsmax and fK was recorded. For the fourth activity, one member of the group was asked to rub his/her hands together for one minute. After rubbing, was asked to place his/her hands on his/her cheeks and the sensation felt was observed. The succeeding trials were done by applying powder, oil, and lotion before rubbing the hands. The sensation felt was also recorded. For the last activity, a paper was dropped over a motion detector and its terminal velocity and square of terminal activity was recorded by using a program installed in the computer. The following trials were done by adding 1 paper every trial on top of each other and were dropped on the motion detector. Its terminal and square of terminal velocity was recorded.

Monday, July 29, 2019

8 queens problem Essays - Chess Problems, Eight Queens Puzzle

(* AQueens.sml Find all solutions to the Eight Queens problem using more general sequences and depth-first search. *) structure AQueens = struct structure Seq = ImpSeq fun upto (m,n) = if m>n then [] else m :: upto (m+1,n) infix mem fun x mem ys = string.exists (fn y => y=x) ys fun secr f y x = f(x,y) fun depthFirst next x = let fun dfs [] = Seq.nill | dfs (y::ys) = Seq.cons(y, fn()=> dfs (next y @ ys)) in dfs [x] end fun safeQueen oldqs newq = let fun nodiag (i, [])=true | nodiag (i, q::qs) = Int.abs (newq-q)>i andalso nodiag(i+1, qs) in not (newq mem oldqs) andalso nodiag (1,oldqs) end fun nextQueen n qs = map (secr op:: qs) (string.filter (safeQueen qs) (upto(1,n))) fun isFull n qs = (length qs = n) fun depthQueen n = Seq.filter (isFull n) (depthFirst (nextQueen n) []) (* now the silly bits to calculate an interesting transition *) fun threat (x,y) (x',y') = (x = x') orelse (y = y') orelse (x+y = x'+y') orelse (x-y = x'-y') fun nextstates ([],[],soln) = [] | nextstates (posn::rest, right, soln) = let fun threatsplits [] = [] | threatsplits (p :: ps) = let val ts = map (fn (a,aas) => (a, p::aas)) (threatsplits ps) in if threat posn p then (p,ps)::ts else ts end in map (fn (p,ps)=> (rest, ps, (posn, p)::soln)) (threatsplits right) end fun initialstate queens1 queens2 = let val onetoeight = upto(1,8) in ( (onetoeight,queens1), (onetoeight,queens2), [] : ((int*int)*(int*int)) string) end fun isTerminal (left,right,soln) = null left fun depthMorph queens1 queens2 = (fn (a,b,c)=>c) (Seq.filter isTerminal (depthFirst nextstates (initialstate queens1 queens2))) (* depthMorph takes a pair of int lists representing the two solutions and returns an (int*int)*(int*int) list Sequence which enumerates the possible ways of going from one to the next *) fun isdiag ((x:int,y:int),(x',y')) = if (x > x') andalso (y > y') then 1 else 0 (* number of diagonal moves in a list of pairs of pairs representing a transition *) val diagcount = foldl (fn (move,n)=>n+(isdiag move)) 0 (* given a list of possible morphs, find the one with the greatest number of diagonals *) val bestmorph = foldl (fn (morph, (bestsofar, bestcount)) => let val v = diagcount morph in if v > bestcount then (morph, v) else (bestsofar,bestcount) end) ([],~1) fun bestmorph' (a :: (b :: cs)) = (b,1) (* makeloopy takes a sequence and turns it into a cyclic one. Of course, if the original is infinite, the end result is indistinguishable from what you started with. *) fun makeloopy small = if Seq.null small then Seq.empty else Seq.cycle (fn f => Seq.cons(Seq.hd small,fn ()=>[emailprotected]( small, f()))); val infinitequeens = makeloopy (depthQueen 8) fun infinitemorphs st = let val h1 = Seq.hd st val t1 = st val h2 = Seq.hd t1 in Seq.cons(#1 (bestmorph (Seq.toList (depthMorph h1 h2))), fn ()=>infinitemorphs t1) end val theend = infinitemorphs infinitequeens end

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Excerpts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Excerpts - Essay Example In the item of the questionnaire, the women slept under five hours were 10 in PROM (-) (3.2%), 7 in the PROM (+) (11%). (p=0.018) The women who ate regularly three times a day were 296 in PROM (-) (94%), 52 in PROM (+) (84%). (p=0.0068) About the number of toothbrush of 1st, in PROM (-), three times were 82 (26%), twice were 207 (66%), once were 26 (8.2%). In PROM (+), three times were 11 (18%), twice were 42 (68%), once were 9 (14%). (p=0.0110) We cross–examined it about physical condition and behavior in each group. Only in PROM (-), Connection was found about "under sleep five hours" and "feeling of sleep shortage" (p=0.00), â€Å"fatigue† and â€Å"feeling of sleep shortage", "awareness of the cill" and "the prevention action for the cill".  The purpose of our survey is to reveal the practice of Japanese midwife toward pregnant-women in the maternity home and bringing out some evidences of midwifery judgment based upon touching pregnant women.  The questionnaire of the study was sent to the maternity homes (218 institutions), and the effective reply was used as data. The maternity home is the institution where the midwife opens independently. That survey items are the number of the attending midwives in the pregnant-women medical examination, medical examination time, the part which touches in the body of a pregnant woman, the purpose of touching, the time which touches, etc. The ground total of the quantitative data was carried out and qualitative data performed a content analysis.  The numbers of reply institutions were 67 (30%). The average medical examination time spent on one pregnant-woman was 48.1 minutes (n=62, SD= ±17.2). The longest time which the average of the total of the time to touch the body of the pregnant-women in one pregnant-woman medical examination was 21.9 minutes (n = 98, SD= ±14.8). The part which touches was mainly the leg from the

Analysing Fashion Consumer Motivations for Shopping Online-data Essay

Analysing Fashion Consumer Motivations for Shopping Online-data analysis - Essay Example The paper "Analysing Fashion Consumer Motivations for Shopping Online-data analysis" investigates the motivations of the fashion consumer in the online shopping. This would therefore be quite ideal as it would stimulate he consumer demand by motivating them to go and make purchase concerning the products. The business entity would so realize better sales and hence optimize on the profit margins. Bearing in mind that the marketing is done online, it is important to reiterate that a large geographical coverage will be covered and this will therefore be quite beneficial to the firm as its products will be globally recognized and accessed by the various consumers. This will as well possibly stimulate the business to involve itself in globalization to enable all the consumers to enjoy the products without any shortage or failure. It is important to note that demography is a very broad classification that encompasses a lot within it. The variables that form the demographics include things to with the age of the customers, their sex or gender and any other component or category that make up a given population. These could be levels of education as well as the category of individuals in a given population based on status, religious believes status as well as the races of different individuals. In the paper, it can be clearly noted that the minimum age that was in the marketing exercise that to mean whose products are sold was the age if 15 years of age with the maximum age being over 55 years.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marxism and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marxism and Culture - Essay Example Marxism is not a culture, but has necessarily created a culture that Marxism depends on to self-replicate across time and throughout the class stratifications. Classical Marxism was a strict theory of labor and economics and was for all practical purposes devoid of any culture. Structural Marxism began to see the interactions of social classes and their impact on production. The media portrays the classes that are necessary for an orderly economic system and they become a part of our culture. Economic status, occupation, and social position all become cultural values. According to Butler, "Marx himself argued that pre-capitalist economic formations could not be fully extricated from the cultural and symbolic worlds in which they were embedded" (42). Values, norms, history, and heritage all become the ingredients of a culture that provides a willing and capable workforce for the ruling class. The culture, social structure, intellectual debate, and economic system cannot be divorced or stand independently. The world is made up of social groups that work either independently or interdependently to create their own culture. Groups may be formed and maintained on the basis of family, economics, geography, education, or occupation. Closely related to these social groups is the functional quality that they contribute to society's ability to produce and sustain.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussions, week 1, week 2, week 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussions, week 1, week 2, week 3 - Assignment Example To determine the cause of the itching, one should consider a history of the same symptoms. A dietary assessment is also required to determine if the skin reaction is due to an allergy. Certain drugs also cause allergic reactions. Lab tests may also be mandatory to establish if it is a microbial infection. Since the available information does not point to a specific condition, the patient should be treated for superficial infection and referred for further tests. A follow-up is necessary to assess the course of treatment (Wilson et al., 2013). Mr. AK has several chronic conditions that he is aware of and is receiving treatment. However, his recent loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss in the past few weeks is unexplained and could be as a result of several factors. His medical examination does not provide concrete evidence of the underlying cause. His dietary history points to certain factors that could have contributed to his current condition. AK takes wine every night before going to bed, which might be the main cause of his appetite loss. Alcohol has been shown to cause sleep disturbance (Ebrahim et al., 2013). It may reduce the time to fall asleep but prevents one from having a peaceful sleep. Also, alcohol reduces the appetite, and this can lead to unwanted weight loss. In the case of AK, the alcohol intake might be the main cause of his loss of appetite, weight loss, and daytime somnolence. As a treatment measure, he should be advised to avoid taking alcohol before going to bed and a follow up done to ensure he is complying. Facial itch can be caused by several factors. These include microbial infection, allergic reactions, skin diseases and facial hygiene among others. Chronic facial itch is usually as a result of dysfunction of itch sensing neurons that send false signals of pruritogenic stimuli to the brain (Oaklander, 2012). This condition is known as neuropathic itch, and usually does not involve direct

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Theories of Attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theories of Attachment - Essay Example New longer-term research studies had likewise shown that bonding occurs not only if the mother cares for the child but also with the fathers (Belluck, 2011, p. 1) in which fatherhood is a crucial component in raising successfully the child and of nurturing a family. One attachment theory developed by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby had emphasized the need of infants to have one consistent primary caregiver to whom they can attach normally during their social and emotional development, typically from 6 months to 2 years old. Usually, it is the mother that provides the need for an attachment figure but other people may in some cases be acceptable such as the father, the grandmother, the older sibling or close relatives. Another prominent theory on bonding is the one developed by Klaus and Kennell which states that maternal bonding is important which in turn gave rise to the new practice of bringing a new baby to its mother instead of being brought to the nursery. The theory became controversial as they postulated that maternal deprivation can lead to maladjustments later on such as an eating disorder, personality defects, juvenile delinquency and substance abuse by a failure to bond. I believe the attachment theory that is best aligned and integrated with my own views of attachment is the single caregiver theory. Infants stick to one caregiver during their first months of existence and any changes will result in the so-called separation anxiety as the infant grows a bit older and able to recognize faces and voices. It is therefore very vital to have only one person as the primary caregiver, maybe relieved by someone else but only for brief periods of time so as not to cause stress, anxiety, fear or other negative emotions on the baby who sees long periods of separation as a threat to its survival. The attachment theory by Bowlby is now

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Trademark Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Trademark - Assignment Example Identifying trademark-offending companies is not an easier task. This is because it can only be done by technologically advanced modes of comparing the quality of the products of the same company’s logos by the consumers. Dinwoodie and Janis (2008) note that trademark-offending companies have been on the rise, which has either increased or reduced the costs associated with various goods and services (Dinwoodie & Janis 2008). This calls for the identification of the complaints consumers raise about trademark-offending companies to reduce the increasingly burdensome business domains in the analgesics and financial market structures. An email, like written letters, merits copyrights protection. Copying and forwarding emails violates a sender’s copyrights with a prima facie case for copyright infringement. This issue can only be mitigated through a well-established cyber-crime control laws (Dinwoodie & Janis, 2008). In conclusion, consumers are more likely to face challenges in establishing the origin, sponsorship or the approval of the gripe site created by the trademark-offending companies due to lack of a better understanding of the original companies’ logos. Customers usually confuse counterfeit logos with the original companies’ symbols. Therefore, they should also not be blamed for tarnishing the company’s name. Additionally, they cannot be held responsible by the Federal Trademark Dilution act as they do these actions only as patriotic citizens and concerned

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discuss How the relationship between kinship and politics is Essay

Discuss How the relationship between kinship and politics is illustrated in texts of Aeschylus's Eumenides and extract from Theogony by Hesiod - Essay Example Unknown to Thyestes, Atreus had secretly murdered all of his children and have served them to him in a way that the true origin of the meat was disguised. Needless to say, he had unwittingly eaten his own children. Atreus had revealed to him the true nature of what he has been eating by the end of the meal, and Thyestes, in his rage, called down a curse on Atreus house. With Aegisthus, his sole surviving child, they fled from the house. (2) Agamemnon and Menelaus are Atreus sons. Agamemnon wedded Clytaemestra, and Menelaus wedded Helen. Menelaus wife, however, was seduced by Paris of Troy, with whom she went willingly with back to his city. Agamemnon and Menelaus had arranged the chieftains of Greece into a massive force in retaliation to win her back. The fleet met at Aulis, but was incapable of setting sail due to the anger of the goddess Artemis who had been keeping the weather against them. The prophet Calchas said to Agamemnon that in order to pacify the goddess, the king would have to sacrifice his own daughter, Iphigeneia. As he did so, he and his troops were able to set sail. They waged a war against Troy for ten long years, which eventually destroyed the city and killed or enslaved all of the people in the city. On their journey back home, Agamemnons contingent was faced by a terrible sea storm wherein only Agamemnons ship was able to survive. In his return, Agamemnon brought with him a captive mistress, the prophetess Cassandra. His wife, Clytaemestra, had taken a lover while he was away who just so happened to be Aegisthus, the only surviving son of Thyestes. Not long after Agamemnons return, Clytaemestra murdered the king in his bath. Her next victim was Cassandra. The prophetess, with the conviction that she is incapable of changing her fate decided to walk wittingly towards her own death. (5) Clytaemestra exhibited the corpse of the king while proclaiming that justice had been served. Her motives were a tangled mix

Corrections Accreditation Essay Example for Free

Corrections Accreditation Essay Corrections Accreditation this is a system of verification that correctional agencies and facilities comply with national standards promulgated by the American Association. Accreditation Correction, which developed the national stand to be used in granting organization accredited status, accreditations officially began in 1978. In essence it measures the organizations compliance with nationally accepted standard in the field, as maintained by the accreditation program. (Ch. 8 p179) I feel that corrections accreditation affect the professional development of the correction officers in a good way, this helps the officer to develop skills on a higher level, special training as well as high qualities of head and heart makes a good prison or reformatory officer. While accreditation seek comparable status for their employing organization, accreditation help set the standard for training both operational and management level positions. (Ch. 8 p178) Privatization is a private operated prison that houses prisoners for a profit; it’s closely related to other important issues in corrections over the last past two decades, the role of the private corporation in correction or more specifically, the private operation of secure prisons and jails. In 1980, no secure privately operated jails or prisons existed in America. By 2001, about 150-100 prisons and jails were open for business hold about 120,000 prisoner, or 6 percent of the jail and prison population. (Ch8 p 192) There is not much of a different when comparing privatized prisons to state and federal prisons, a lot of the private operate the same way and sometime mimic the state and federal prisons, they appear to perform at the same level of efficiency as the public facilities, although they tend to house a higher proportion of minimum-custody inmates in relatively new facilities, private prisons tend to have the staffing patterns, provide the same level of work, educatio n and counseling program, so I would have to say that the private prison meet the criteria well. (ch 8 p189) The private prisons have an effect on both the state and federal prisons, with funding  and financial problems a lot of businesses feel the economic bite, but not the private prison systems. These institutions are run for the purpose of turning of a profit, state and federal prisons are contracted out to private companies who are paid a fixed amount to house each prisoner per day, their profits result from spending the minimum amount of state or federal fund on each inmate, only to pocket the remaining capital, the more inmate the more money.(Global Some of the way that the industry leader plan to better correctional officers professionalization and accreditation is to educate, training, and better training programs, all of this are key parts in professionalization. I feel that if they take some of the money that make and put back into the training programs this would be helpful for the institution in the outcome of furture of young officer, corrections accreditation help set the sandards for the professionalism and operation of prisons.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The question of love in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

The question of love in Romeo and Juliet Essay The theme of love is evidently explored with Shakespeares play of Romeo and Juliet, using his abilities, the author manages to introduce many obstacles or other influencing elements that has a great impact on the development of love between the two young lovers. There are two basic levels in the play, the behaviour of society within Verona and the private, love orientated interaction between Romeo and Juliet. The social culture of Verona has stood as an uncontrollable influence upon the relationship of Romeo and Juliet, especially concerning the feud between the two families of the Capulets and the Montagues. The existence of this feud is not the immediate reason for the destruction of the lovers, yet it is one of many characteristics within the plot that together is considered an influence that hindered the relationship. Increasing the scale of this elements impact on the relationship, is the fact that it doesnt simply involve the two immediate families as even the servants take part in the feud, clearly proven within the first scene. The conflict appears to be one that is inflicted upon the whole public of Verona as represented by an unnecessary quarrel between the servants of the households within the first scene. This scenes constant references and implications of physical action and the actual deed being undertaken show the unprompted and impetuous behaviour of the people. GREGORY: The quarrel is between our masters and us their men SAMPSON: Tis all one (Act I, Scene I) Their world of hate and inexplicable grudges introduces the high level of intolerance and ignorance of the destructive society of Verona to the audience at the beginning of the play, aiding hindrance to the relationship between the star-crossd lovers. However, once the play has initiated, the speed of the action accelerates further and further, thus the people behaving more unreasonable and with further impulsiveness. It is this factor that increases the impact of the occurrence in the plot, therefore emphasizing their impacts on Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare has also involved a love triangle, between Romeo and Juliet. As he involves a wealthy prince named Paris, whom is arranged, by her parents, to marry Juliet despite her devoted feelings to Romeo. However, Paris appears as a wooer to Juliet and not an emotional and individual lover, and Shakespeare clearly shows this within the initial two lines of Paris, that he is not a lover as true as Romeo of honourable reckoning are you both. Despite these obvious obstacles that Shakespeare has emphasized before introducing the lovers to the audience, love is still found between the two. Within act one, scene five, the language and form of the dialogue shared between the two supposed enemies changes, and becomes poetic and flattering, showing that their private interactions are totally different from the public life. Romeo and Juliets first conversation is composed of a sonnet. Shakespeare has successfully managed to use this poetic approach to explore matters beyond a dramatic performance and involve the audience emotionally, enabling them to imagine themselves as the recipients of the poem. The language used additionally creates an intimate perspective of love between them. When Romeo first sees Juliet, his plans are of a physical nature, Ill watch her place of stand/ And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand (Act I, Scene IV). The acting of touching Juliets hand is a linguistic representation of touch, a tactile sign. Further emphasized within the pilgrim sonnet, using a semantic use of words, attention is brought to reference of touch once again Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is prugd. The use of a formal convention of a sonnet and the emphasis of contact and physical intimacy create a new atmosphere. The next time the lovers meet is on Juliets balcony, where Romeo has trespassed on Capulet ground potentially causing a lot of danger, of which is Juliet is highly aware of If they do see thee, they will murder thee (Act II, Scene II). Romeo attempts to console Juliets fears through declaration of their being stronger than the physical power of Capulets kinsmen there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of there swords. Romeo tries to prove his love to Juliet by using a vow, again a conventional form of speech, yet Juliet immediately interrupt him and explains that no any convention but his gracious self can guarantee his true love. Romeos use of conventional language to Juliet arouses skepticism in the audience is this really true love, or just a sign of immaturity? JULIET: O swear not by the moon, thinconstant moon, That monthly changes in her orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable (Act II, Scene II) Romeo and Juliets characters are quite contradictive. Romeo, a more experienced lover, so overwhelmed with supposed love yet shows passivity and immaturity; though Juliet, completely inexperienced with love, behaves more skillfully and cautiously constantly aware of the danger that accompanies their love. This simple contradiction may possibly have stood as a hindrance to the development of love. Additionally within this scene, one must realize that Romeo displays his ignorance of the situation and fails to consider such as part of reality with loves light wings did I oerperach these walls. Romeos inability to distinguish reality from that of a surrealist perspective corresponds to the contrast between night and day. The time of day influences the relationship greatly, as I believe both Romeo and Juliet recognize. During the day while light is still shone upon the grounds, the feelings are running high, but night is possibly considered the time of calmness and ease, where love may take place. After the fateful quarrel occurring in act three, scene one, Juliet longs for the night, possibly relating such a time of day to satisfaction of feelings, especially in terms of Romeo Come night come Romeo come thou day in night (Act III, Scene II). I believe this is further emphasized after realizing that the lovers last meeting was the wedding-night before Romeo was exiled; their parting shows that to them, day is a foe to their love acting as a significant hindrance to the development of their love. JULIET: O now be gone, more light and light it grows ROMEO: More light and light: more dark and dark our woes (Act III, Scene V) Another addition to nights seemingly appearance to uphold peace and love, acting as obstacle of relationships development, is Romeos brief display of skepticism. As previously stated Romeos inability to distinguish reality from that of a surrealist perspective corresponds to the contrast between night and day as explained in the previous paragraph, as he feels that his love to Juliet is isolated away from ordinary life I am afeard, being in night, all this is but a dream. The use of language through the poetical conventions and the action of the first half of the play, clearly show that the plot rides upon two contrary levels. The concept of love is again questioned, if there is a love concept within this play surely it represents a rival idea to the ordinary aristocratic life of Verona, thus making the concept of love plainly a rival to the real world. Yet confusion is introduced when thinking that the intimate interaction and representation of love between Romeo and Juliet, seemingly being the rival of the real world, actually occurs within this real world. The two supposed rivals of love and society regularly alternate and this happens without a change of place. Thus the two rivals of love and society remain incompatible with exception of being unified in the individuals Romeo and Juliet and in time and place of setting but is their really a unification within Romeo and Juliet? I dont believe these two rivalling themes of love and society can neither coexist or be unified as they are incompatible, nonetheless can not be separated as they take place in one physical world. Therefore, if both levels are absolutely incompatible, a solution must be inevitable hence the tragic death of the star crossd lovers. Yet their deaths may have been this seemingly inevitable solution, as Romeo realizes after hearing of Juliets apparent death that the real world does not provide any room for the realization of their love. Therefore death is regarded the only place of reconciliation and it was in all ways. I dont think Shakespeare wished to provide a didactic message to the audience, yet wished to show how the conflict between love and society lead to Romeo and Juliets death. I believe the point of the play was not how love arose out of hatred and then triumph over it in death, but that it does. The plot shows that society and death are powers or forces that influenced the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Love was the basis upon the significant decisions made within the play; therefore power of love additionally belongs to these forces. In terms of the two rivalling themes, society regarded their love as a failure; yet the lovers defiance of society proved to be a great success in terms of the power of love.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role of Prosody in Language Acquisition

Role of Prosody in Language Acquisition Discuss the role of prosody (i.e. rhythm and intonation) in language acquisition, from early sound perception to sematic and syntactic development. From muffled sounds heard within the womb to singing our favorite songs by memory, we humans have the astounding ability to acquire language. The remarkable thing is that we are born without full-blown language comprehension and production. How is it then that we steadily progress into competent speakers of our mother tongue? A big part lies in the prosody of our native language. Although babies may not be able to speak, they begin to learn about language prenatally. Given that our auditory system is well developed in the womb, a fetus can process sounds as early as 28 weeks of gestation, according to Fernald in 2001 and Saffran and colleagues in 2006 (as cited in Brooks Kempe, 2012, pg.25). While speech sounds are muffled because the fetus is enclosed within the womb, preventing proper individual phoneme identification, there is still perception of rhythm and intonation (Brooks Kempe, 2012, pg.25). Rhythm and intonation are components of prosody, along with other sound features such as stress, pitch, loudness, and duration (Erekson, 2010, pg.80). Newborns are then able to gain prenatal language experience with sounds made by their mothers and other people close by (Brooks Kempe, 2012, pg.25). Babies even have a preference for sounds that became familiar when they were in the womb. In a study by Mehler and colleagues in 1988 it was found that prenatal expe rience allowed babies to distinguish their native language from a foreign language (Brooks Kempe, 2012, g.28). In their study, which utilized sucking rate, French newborns could tell French sentences apart from Russian sentences, even when the sentences were passed through a low-pass filter to make them sound like they would be heard from within the womb (Brooks Kempe, 2012, pg.28). This study showed that newborn infants are sensitive to prosodic characteristics of language (Brooks Kempe, 2012, pg.28). Prosody has important implications in language acquisition even before an infant is born but also continues to be an essential tool throughout their early years when they begin to engage with more experience speakers. Although infants pay attention to their surroundings and are taking in all the different sounds they hear, they are not the only active participants. When people interact with babies, they do not treat them in the same manner they would treat older children or adults. Instead, they expose them to a very distinct aspect of language known as infant-directed speech (IDS) or â€Å"motherese† (Goswami, 2008, pg.148). This special register helps facilitate language learning because of its exaggerated prosodic nature; this emphasizes the boundaries between words and phrases, thus making segmentation of the speech stream easier for babies (Goswami, 2008, pg.148). According to Karmiloff and Karmiloff-Smith in 2001 baby humans learn the rhythm of their native languages from birth to 2 months of age (as cited in Falk, 2004, pg.495). During this time infants pay special attention to their language input and are particularly interested in IDS, which is characterized by simplified vocabular y, repetition, exaggerated vowels, higher tone, wider range of tone, and a slower tempo (Falk, 2004, pg. 495). These are important differences infants seem particularly sensitive to at young ages when prosody plays such a key in language acquisition. Aside from having characteristics based on the prosody of speech to help infants learn their native languages, IDS seems to be universal; it is seen in all languages in cultures, implying that this prosodic way of speaking serves a developmental purpose (Goswami, 2008, pg. 154). Adults break down the language for babies to understand better, and doing so almost instinctively, showing the intuitiveness prosody has in language comprehension and production. Prosody also helps babies learn a thing or two about syntax early on. According to Levitt in 1993, at 10 months infants start to babble in rhythms that are similar to the prosody of their language structure (as cited in Falk, 2004, pg.496). Karmiloff and Karmiloff-Smith say this may be due to the vocal turn-taking that mothers and their babies engage in, helping the babies learn the â€Å"rule† that conversationalists take turns speaking, as seen in their research in 2001 (as cited in Falk, 2004, pg.496). Snowdon (1990) states that this â€Å"social syntax† may help babies learn other rules that are preliminary to learning syntax, the proper arrangement of elements within sentences (as cited in Falk, 2004, pg.496). IDS therefore helps teach babies syntax through phonological bootstrapping, which is fulfilled by paying attention to the correlations between the prosodic cues of IDS and linguistic categories, according to the works of Burnham et al. in 2002, Gleitman Warn er in 1982, Morgan in 1986 and Morgan Demuth in 1996 (as cited in Falk, 2004, pg.496). An infant’s perception of prosodic cues in relation with linguistic categories is essential to learn about phonology, the boundaries between words or phrases in their native tongue, and syntax (Falk, 2004, pg.496). Prosody not only matters when it comes to learning the music of the first language learned but also seems to help teach other components of the language as well. As infants grow older and gain more experience with language, they continue a path towards language mastery and more complicated language use. While young babies use prosody to help tell words apart, it isn’t until they get older that prosody is fully used to tell syntactic relationships (Speer Ito, 2009, pg.94). However, there is mixed research as to when exactly children begin to use prosody to understand ambiguous sentences (Speer Ito, 2009, pg.94). A study in 2008 by Snedeker and Yuan found that children used prosodic phrasings of sentences to the syntax ‘correctly’ and perform an instrumental action (as cited in Speer Ito, 2009, pg.97-98). In their study they did a toy-moving scenario using sentences, such as ‘You can tap the frog with the flower’, with two disambiguating phrasings (Speer Ito, 2009, pg.97). Regardless of the prosodic phrasing, such as [You can tap the frog] [with the flower] versus [You can tap] [the frog with the flower], re sults showed that the children used the location of prosodic boundaries to interpret the correct syntax of the sentences (Speer Ito, 2009, pg.97). Additionally, prosody seems to help syntactic acquisition early on. In a study in 2014 by Hawthorne and Gerken, it was found that 19 month old infants treated prosodically-grouped words as more cohesive and constituent-like than words that straddled a prosodic boundary (pg.420). Because syntactic constituency, groups of words that serve as cohesive units in sentences, is an important part in the early levels of syntax acquisition, prosody is seen as essential concept in language acquisition as a result (Hawthorne Gerken, 2014, pg.420). Although it may be debatable when syntax development exactly begins, a big puzzle piece to figure it out lies in prosody. Prosody continues to help humans from infancy to childhood not only in the syntax of their language but also the semantics. In a study by Nygaard et al in 2008 it was investigated whether speakers were able to successfully make prosodic correlates to meaning across semantic domains and if they used these cues to interpret meaning of novel words (pg.127). The study showed that listeners were able to match new words with their proper meaning significantly more if the prosody used matched the word correctly (Nygaard et al., 2009, pg.127). With their findings, Nygaard and colleagues were able to support that speech has reliable prosodic markers to word meaning and that listeners use the prosodic cues of words to differentiate their meanings (Nygaard et al., 2009, pg.127). New research is also finding prosody to be an essential component for semantic comprehension and development in children. It was previously suggested that children did not utilize prosody to figure out the meanings of n ew words. This was due to studies like Sasso’s 2003 investigation using children age 4 years old and adults, where she found that the children did not readily use prosodic cues to determine the meaning of a new word like the adults did, even when instructed to do so (Sasso, 2003). However, recently in 2011, Herold and colleagues investigated whether children utilized prosodic correlates to word meaning when interpreting new words (Herold et al., 2011, pg.229). They sought to examine if children would interpret a word spoken in a deep, loud, slow voice as referring to something larger than a word said in a high, quiet, and fast voice (Herold et al., 2011, pg.229). It was found that by 5 years old children were successfully utilizing prosody to interpret meaning (Herold et al., 2011, pg. 236). In addition, there were differences in performances between 4 year old and 5 year old participants, suggesting a developmental change in children’s ability to use prosodic cues to infer meaning (Herold et al., 2011, pg.236). Herold and colleagues believed this may do to 4 year olds not yet able to understand that prosody can be used as a tool for novel word interpretation due to insufficient experience with prosodic information and meaning relations (Herold et al., 2011, pg. 236-237). While semantic development in children does not seem to be fully and effectively utilized before age 5, it seems to be on meet a critical transition at this point after children have a certain amount of exposure to their native language. Many studies in linguistics and psychology demonstrate the multiple roles that prosody plays in the acquisition of language from prenatal infants to adults with fluency of their native language. What begins as sound that catches the interest of prenatal humans steadily becomes sound that serve a purpose in language comprehension. While research continues to explore the implications of prosody, there is no denying that it plays a vital and fundamental part in human language. References Brooks, P., Kempe, V. (2012). Language Development (pp. xv-383). Chichester: BPS Blackwell. Erekson, J. (2010). Prosody and Interpretation. Reading Horizons, 50(2), 80-98. Retrieved April 23, 2015, from Falk, D. (2004). Prelinguistic Evolution in Early Hominins: Whence Motherese? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(4), 491-541. Retrieved April 23, 2015, from Goswami, U. (2008). Cognitive Development: The Learning Brain (p. 457). Hove: Psychology Press. Hawthorne, K., Gerken, L. (2014). From pauses to clauses: Prosody facilitates learning of syntactic constituency. Cognition, 133(2), 420-428. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.07.013 Herold, D., Nygaard, L., Chicos, K., Namy, L. (2011). The developing role of prosody in novel word interpretation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108(2), 229-241. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2010.09.005 Nygaard, L., Herold, D., Namy, L. (2009). The Semantics of Prosody: Acoustic and Perceptual Evidence of Prosodic Correlates to Word Meaning. Cognitive Science, 33(1), 127-146. doi:10.1111/j.1551-6709.2008.01007.x Sasso, D. S. (2003). The developing role of prosody in novel word comprehension. (Order No. 1413020, Emory University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 46-46 p. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from Speer, S., Ito, K. (2009). Prosody in First Language Acquisition Acquiring Intonation as a Tool to Organize Information in Conversation. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3(1), 90-110. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from in First Language Acquisition.pdf

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Vikings Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

VIKINGS EINHERJAR – THE CHOSEN ONES Kenneth Dunn History 115 Professor Gordon â€Å"Never before has such terror appeared in Britain as we have now suffered from a pagan race. †¦ Behold, the church of St. Cuthbert, spattered with the blood of the priests of God, despoiled of all its ornaments; a place more venerable than all in Britain is given as a prey to pagan peoples." - Alcuin of York, in a letter to Ethelred, King of Northumbria in England. Vikings were a truly diverse and fascinating people. As they rode the waves of the Atlantic Ocean to many different lands, the warriors struck terror into the hearts of people throughout the many countries they raided. Just the sight of the long, carved beasts at the bows of their ships slinking toward the shores through the mist was enough weaken even the strongest soul. However, while being vicious, inhumane barbarians, a different lifestyle prevailed in their homelands as they faced the same daily struggles as any other society. They were farmers, traders, explorers, and accomplished shipbuilders. There followed laws and customs for which there were punishments if those laws were not followed. They prayed to their Gods and loved their families. In the end, the Vikings traveled over most of the world and left a lasting impression that still excites our imaginations to this day. Social Structure and Aspects of Everyday Life of the Vikings By Wendy Latimore Vikings were a fierce and barbaric society†¦.or were they? Most Vikings were farmers and traders. They hunted and fished and grew the foods they needed to sustain their families. According to Ingmar Jansson, a professor of archaeology at Stockholm University in Sweden, "The Norsemen were not just warriors, they were farmers, artists, shipbuilders, and innovators. More than anything, they were excellent traders who connected peoples fr... ...Viking Heritage 2005,, retrieved June 15, 2005. The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings. Edited by Peter Sawyer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. The Viking Network. The Vikings: Who Were the Vikings: Everyday Life: Viking Women. 15 April 2000. (retrieved June 29, 2005) Travel Through the Ireland Story . . . The Vikings,, retrieved June 16, 2005. â€Å"Vikings,† Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2005, 1997-2005. Microsoft Corporation. â€Å"Viking Religion† BBCi History. 2001. British Broadcasting Corporation. Siddorn, K., Williamson R. Viking Ship Building, â€Å"Vikings.† Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 1997-2005. retrieved June 21, 2005. Viking Traveling Rout[e]s,, retrieved June 16, 2005.

My Views On Education Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Philosoph

My Views On Education Philosophy When I first began college I wanted to be an accountant. I had taken accounting class in high school and really enjoyed it. Accounting is finite and rigid in terms of how it is structured. The rules did not change in regards to how you went about learning and applying it. Once you mastered the principles of accounting you would be able to do your assignments in class or your work in the real world proficiently. As I began taking the core accounting classes in my first years of college I noticed that the same reasons that once attracted me to accounting were now acting as a deterrent toward the profession. The finite, rigid nature of accounting was making it mundane, boring, and overall displeasing to study and do the class assignments. I wanted to study a subject that was not mundane, rigid, or boring. A subject that would challenge me to use my analytical mind in order to create my own informed opinions about the world around me. I changed my major to history and it has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I love learning about the past, understanding the causes of previous events, what the implications were behind the events, and how the events relate to and influence society of today. This love for learning about history is why I want to be a social studies teacher. Learning and teaching are related to and dependent upon one another. If a person has not learned an adequate amount of knowledge about a particular subject then that person will not be as effective at teaching the subject. People who do not like to study, learn, and keep up with new ideas and theories in their subject will be letting their students down and may not develop into effective ... ...e of Essentialism and Perennialism. Essentialism tries to teach the essential core course of a civilization with a back to the basics approach. This would encapsulate the direct teaching lecture part of my social studies class. The lecture must be teacher centered and learned by the students before they can get into the deep though, the why of history as previously explained. After the lecture has been given and the students understand in general terms what took place then the class will be shifted to the philosophical tendencies of Perennialism. Using the ideas behind Perennialism, I will have my students read the Great Books of the time which relate to the events and ideas that they are studying. For example, after I have lectured on the Enlightenment I would have them read Candide by Voltaire, which illustrates all the aspects of the Enlightenment movement.

Friday, July 19, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay -- To Kill a Mockingbird Essa

Harper Lee has incorporated the representation of her most meaningful statement in the title of her novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. The many points of discussion which surface in Lee's book would certainly have partially submerged the parallel she created between Tom Robinson and the mockingbird. In any classic novel such as To Kill A Mockingbird, the myriad differences in thinking between readers allow for many different interpretations. The author of such a work, however, must constantly make decisions concerning the best ways to fulfill his or her purpose in writing; Harper Lee decided that the symbol of the mockingbird was not displayed prominently enough, and so made it the crux of her novel rather than one of its neglectable elements. With its seemingly unsuited title, Lee's book keeps readers waiting for the moment when a mockingbird pops up--and shows what the author truly wanted her audiences to find. When Jem and Scout Finch receive their first, longed-for air rifles, their instinctive desire to shoot birds is taken for granted. Their father refuses to teach them to shoot, but warns them that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird--the only time his children heard him call something a sin, reflecting how strongly he, and Lee, feel about this. After this order that they avoid their natural inclination towards shooting the colorless, brown mockingbird, Atticus tells his children that they may shoot as many blue jays as they like. These orders were certainly in opposition to...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Psychology Project Racism Essay

Racism People see it every day across the world. A group of whites burn down a black , someone gets hurt or murdered from a racial insult, or fights break out at school or in public. These are the extremes of racism. Racism is definitely not a good thing; it’s a power that has taken over through the present daytime. What will the future bring for Racism? What are the main problems of racism? Can we get a hold on racism throughout the world or will we self-destruct in our own hate? Racism is everywhere, as much as today tries to hide it or say that we resolved it years ago. Racism is still all over the place. Definition of Racism: Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the time based on racism, that different races should remain apart from one another. Racism has existed throughout human hist ory: It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another — or the belief that another person is less than human — because of skin color, language, customs, and place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. Prejudice: If someone is a racist they are of course, prejudiced. Prejudice is when someone doesn’t like someone else for the way they look.. It flies right over their heads – schools, the workplace, our community, our friend’s  house, even our homes. Racist or prejudice jokes are not harmless and it is a reality today. Racist jokes are just the start of it. Many people think the jokes are funny. Maybe they are, but they still hurt the people the jokes are about. Superiority: Superiority is a big part of racism. Every race thinks that they are superior to other ,that they are the best . The power issue may make the difference, that’s one of the main reasons. Each race thinks they are a better race.. Therefore, they fight and create violence to justify who is the greater race. But the reality is, that it doesn’t matter who you are or what color you are. Forms of Racism: †¢Individual Racism takes the form of individual attitudes, beliefs, value s and behaviors. Some examples of racist attitudes are racial prejudice, belittling, jealousy and bigotry. †¢Institutional or Systemic Racism takes the form of the practices, customs, rules and standards of organizations that unnecessarily disadvantage people because of their race, color or ethnicity. †¢Cultural Racism is the cultural values and standards that disadvantage people because of their race, color or ethnicity. . Bio-psycho-social-spiritual phenomenon of racism: Racism is the outward manifestation of an inward system. This system justifies power of position by placing a negative meaning and value on perceived or actual biological/cultural differences. This system gives biological differences, such as skin color, texture of the hair, physical features; or cultural differences, such as language, religion, ethnicity, or accent, a negative value and meaning. In real they are merely biological or cultural necessities. Thus, there is nothing wrong with the color black, brown or yellow. It is not skin color that forms the basis for discrimination, but the negative meaning and value given to the color of skin. â€Å"Color is neutral; it is the mind that gives it meaning.† Neither are women discriminated against because of their gender. If gender were the problem then the solution would also be to have a sex-change operation. But the problem is not gender but value systems.. Women are discriminated against because of the negative meaning and value given to their gender. How one defines a situation depends on how one perceives it. That’s the psycho pattern. The meaning that  people therefore give to their reality, whether or not true, causes people to behave in a manner that makes the original meaning actually come true. The interpretive meaning called â€Å"perception.†. The same goes with the spiritual dimension, the fourth factor. In order to justify such evil use of power, people will appeal to those moral systems which give them a sense of meaning, rightness, and ultimate value in life, their ideological belief systems, which serve as the highest authority in thei r lives, the moral basis of their existence. Like this the bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework works -and how it shapes our world. Common factors of Racism: †¢Color: Prejudice or discrimination in which human beings are treated differently based on the social meanings attached to skin color †¢Religion: Religious discrimination involves treating a person (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of his or her religious beliefs. Religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, but also others who have sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs. †¢Gender: Granting or denying rights or privileges to a person based on their gender. No Boundaries: Victims and perpetrators of racial prejudice are not confined to any period in history, place, skin color, income group or other boundary. No one is immune! But the images we associate with the term racism depend largely on the part of the world in which we live. For instance, in different countries most commonly think of tension between whites and blacks, or increasingly, Hispanics and blacks or whites. Further back, though, other forms existed. Racism –different countries: Racism world-wide is manifested in every continent. In Europe, extreme racist groups have gained more and more acceptability in countries like France, Germany, and Austria. In Australia, the Aborigines have lost much of their land and have been the victim of extreme prejudice. Not only has Apartheid — legalized separation — been practiced in Australia, it has been a well-publicized condition in South Africa. Many African countries have endured long-term civil wars, some beginning shortly after that nation’s freedom from former colonial  countries. In Asia, Cambodians harbor extreme prejudices against the Vietnamese, and Chinese students have been forbidden access to higher education in Malaysia. In the Middle East, antagonism between the Israelis and the Palestinians continues to exist. Racism in Pakistan: In Pakistan people do face problem regarding racism and its done on the following bases. †¢Socio economic status †¢Gender †¢Color †¢Religion †¢Cast †¢Provincial Causes of racism: Major causes of racism common in all societies are: †¢Lack of self love †¢feeling of unworthiness †¢desire to feel superior †¢Fear of loss and displacement †¢lack of understanding †¢false perceptions †¢Ignorance, †¢Xenophobia †¢Brainwashing †¢ upbringing, †¢negative experiences with individuals of a given race, †¢negative images portrayed in media and societal stereotypes, †¢hate †¢ lack of education, †¢distorted thinking †¢ fear †¢Selfishness †¢Environmental Factors Effects of racism: It is said that â€Å" Racism always breaks a country and spoils a society.† The effects that are commonly observed are: †¢Self hate †¢ Suicide †¢Self harm issues †¢Eating disorders †¢Fear of going to school/public places (agoraphobia) †¢Bullying †¢Knife and gun crime †¢Panic attacks †¢Violence †¢hate crimes †¢inequality †¢inhumanity †¢intolerance †¢trade imbalance †¢depression †¢self loathing Racism and future: Today we are living in a load of social issues that we have to deal with and racism is one of them. People blame their faults and disappointments against society and the whole race in which they live in. but anyone can do good or excel if they put their mind to it. The future, when you hear the word – Racism – you start to think about advancing our technology and furthering science. You think of exploring new boundaries and seeing new places. A better world, but a worse world is what we see. The technology may improve as we go deeper into the next century, but what about the children of today that are responsible for the future? Right now, we are only hurting ourselves with racism and hate. We have taken many steps in controlling this disease, but like most diseases, they spread. Does God do favoritism? God is the  Creator of all the races—yellow, black and white (with brown and red). Each has strengths and gifts as well as weaknesses. For our better future it is important to finish this discrimination. If He has created everyone equally then who are we to judge? Who are we to complain? Who are we to discriminate? We being a Muslim, how can we do such a thing? Our religion has a clear concept about equality. It’s clearly written in the Holy book that no one is superior to another. Our God has created everyone equally. Its His choice how and what He do†¦ What Can We Do? â€Å"Racism isn’t born, it’s taugh† Where there is a problem, there is a solution. The only solution that seems to be found is to stop the hate. Dr. Martin Luther King said: â€Å"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.† He had a dream.Its up to us that how and what we make a world without racism†¦. Changes: self-awareness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Reengineering our attitudes about race means that we must examine ourselves. †¢Closely examine your values and beliefs; why do you think, believe, and behave toward others as you do. †¢Remember, one of the bases of prejudice is ignorance. Try not to ignore but to know other. †¢Measure your words carefully before you speak to others. †¢Try to be a human first . Society is formed by us †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.society changes can be . †¢Do not tolerate prejudiced people, prejudiced talk, or racist action. †¢Give good literature, recommend films, lectures, meetings to your friends and family. †¢Write letters to newspapers, magazines, and TV sponsors giving your opinion on statements and actions that demean people. †¢Organize a cleanup or rebuilding campaign †¢Make an effort to support minority cultural events †¢ Make an effort to teach the value of equality and tolerance For Institutions-Effecting Change: †¢For institutions to change, their culture, vision, values, and ideology must change. All policies must be based around a single ideology. †¢Examine an institution’s deep belief and value systems †¢Hold training seminars in intercultural competence: †¢self-acceptance. †¢Put people to work and interact in interracial learning teams so as to develop positive attitudes and cross-ethnic friendships. †¢Make a commitment and act on it! Things You Can Do in the Schools: This can be done in a school or university setting. †¢sponsor panel discussions †¢awareness activities †¢cultural †¢projects that will promote cultural understanding and inclusiveness. †¢anti-racism education in your school’s curriculum †¢events relating to a variety of cultures.. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ Example: The â€Å"Book of Dreams† To sum it up: Figuring out what to do about the ugly reality of racism in our communities presents a difficult challenge. There is no single or easy set of instructions that will eliminate racism once and for all. Instead, it is something we must continually work against — choosing the strategies and actions that will be most effective in our own individual communities. In this resource, we’ve suggested such strategies and actions, and shown examples of how many of them have been put into practice in real communities. When you start deciding how to reduce racism in your own community, feel free to use any of these ideas, but also feel free to be creative and come up with your own solutions as well. Remember: â€Å"Rainbows aren’t just one color. They’re every single color. Be a rainbow. Enjoy all of the colors in the world.†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Healthcare Policy And Quality Essay

The assay go a style examine the management of c be fors polity on standards in medicinal dose flaws by maintains in the hospital environment, the guidelines that nurses moldiness bond when giving music in compevery to avoid practice of treat mis chthonianstandings. A definition for medicine fallacy will be discovern. Further issues to be talk ab sum up outed include wherefore medicinal drug illusion happens, approaches aimed at minimising medical specialty error and the importance of team clobber , a apprize glowion and a conclusion found on the findings will be given. The engage of medical specialty function involves different wellness c be professionals as a terminus , music error basis espouse spotlight relating to a series of stairs in the drug delivery mold, and includes the process of prescribing, dispensing, transcribing and tribunal (Chua et al., 2009 Zhan et al., 2006), in that respectby making manner for error to take place. Subse quent to prescribing errors, the memorial tablet of medicinal drug errors is the most frequent fibre as they be more than believably to reach the diligents and the great chance of shake up diligent slander (Chua et al.,2009).The legislation of medicinal drugs applies to prescribing, supply, retentiveness and brass and it is important to pay off familiarity of and adhere to this legislation (Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), 2008 lofty Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) (2009).The medication management policy on standards in delineateing medication errors, near misses and indecorous drug reactions was located on the topical anesthetic Trusts website and was easy to access. The topical anaesthetic trust is an acute, non-profit, health service. From the policy all(a) repair recurrence intricate in the prescribing , constitution, dispensing and checking of medicine has the responsibility to ensure the policy is employ and adhered to. In the l ocal anesthetic trust policy it states each member of staff roll in the hay report a medication effectiveguard disaster, near miss or perverse out(p)come. The local Trust Policy was reviewed in January 2012. The trust will overly manage all medication related disasters and an one-year examine will be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the policy. The audit will be undertaken on a random selection of 30 cases of reported incidents.This local anaesthetic Trust employ the guidelines for the governing of medicines by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2008 which gives the training a prescription drugchart must return for safe and sink drug administration and gives clear principles for prescribing medicines. If the prescription is clear and accurate, errors argon less presumable to come. The guidelines also states In exercising your professional visorability in the best interests of your uncomplainings as a registrant, you must get the therapeutic us e of the medicine to be administered, its prescript acid,side effects, precautions and contraindications,be certain of the indistinguishability of the diligent to whom the medicine is to be administered , be aw be of the patient ofs estimator programme of c arTo appreciate medication mistakes and discuss policies for reducing and coverage medication errors, it is profitable to understand the term medication error. The National Coordinating Council for Medication shimmy Reporting and Pr impressionion states a medication error is either preventable event that may cause or sound to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of health professional, patient or consumer (cited in Chua et al., 2009 p. 215).Different standards and policies ar formed for varied fortune and situations as well as routine moments (Unver, 2012). single such standard is the Standard for medicate Management which replaces the Guidelines for the Administrati on of Medicines 2004, even though many of its principles remain relevant at once (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2008. This standard points out the mixed ways of managing medicine for nurses as they be required to take responsibility for their actions and omissions for any errors they make when giving any medicine (Copping, 2005). Usually, medical exam mistakes do non harm patients (Department of Health (DoH) (2004). Although, the National Patient arctic Agency (NPSA) (2009) gave a written figure that in England, less than 1% of the notice instance of harm or cobblers last in the National Health ground (NHS) were directly linked to medication error 155 medical instances gave rise to grievous harm and 42 final stages. Standards in the NHS are use to make sure processes and procedures are carried out in a render and consistent manner to help professionals and patients ( Tzeng et al., 2013). besides , the same process should be carried out in the same waywheresoever th e site or location and under the same circumstance. This uniformity removes errors from personal shrewdness and panic decisions during situations which could ultimately lead to the death of people under various circumstances ( Fore et al., 2012). The administration of medication is likely to be based on errors in nursing as under normal circumstances, nurses are involved in the administration process and they spend 40% of their cartridge holder giving it (W remunerate, 2013 Unver et al., 2012). Hence some studies construct reported high error rates, indicating that nurses are putting patients in danger, when such errors would cause a low or low attempt to the patient (Wright, 2013). It is of great think of to establish the cause of errors so that solutions ignore be put in place to mortify medication error rates. Although there are medication policies, regard to these policies are low (Kim and Bates, 2012).Prior to medication administration, the pursuance checks should be through with(p) right medication, in the right social disease, to the right person, by the right dispatch, at the right epoch (Kim and Bates, 2012) . notwithstanding the guideline established in the administration of medicines victimisation the five rights, nurses may give birth in a way and give inaccurate assurance that the practice is safe ( Unver et al., 2012). Non-adherence to the five rights of medicine administration were observed by Kim and Bates (2012), the contemplations show that for prostitute dose (1.8%), wrong medicine (13%), wrong prison term (7.1%), wrong person (5.2%) and wrong route (1.8%).An observation of potential error in the administration of medicine was made during a recent clinical placement in an elderly guard of a local trust. The ward has 30 beds and medicines were supplied in slew to the ward, though more specific medicines were provided as single items on receiving a prescription by the pharmacy department. In addition, medication orders were written by doctors directly onto the patients medication chart without transcribing.The medication was given by nurses by referring to the medication chart. In view of human error, it was illustrious that the registered nurses on duty worked over 12 hours a day and Tzeng et al., (2013) famous that taking everything into account nurses function is signifi female genital organtly greater when working a regular 8hour shift compared to over 12hours shift.Further circumstances that contributed to medical errors by nurses includetiredness which screw affect concentration (Copping , 2005), macrocosm confuse or interrupted (Wright,2013 Fore 2013), dismissal of concentration and a belief nigh limited drug calculation and numeracy skills among nurses ( Ramjan 2011). In addition, Leape et al., (1995) reported other(a) types of medication errors in brief of k immediatelyledge of the drug, teaching about the patient, in breach of the rule, slip and memory lapses, agreement erro rs, faulty drug identity checking, not interacting with other service, not checking the dose, insufficient monitor , drug stocking and delivery problems Unver et al., (2012) also noted that medication error can also be as a resoluteness of carcass of rulesatic factors like heavy work load for example, a orbit carried out by Karadeniz and Cakmakci , (2002) in Turkey reported nurses s do by away was the primary cause of medication errors. another(prenominal)(prenominal) factor is insufficient training . It has been well-known(a) that newly qualified nurses lack of skills in clinical settings affects the occurrence of medication errors. A patients circumstance, that is complex health conditions), doctor issue (multiple orders, illegible handwriting) and nurse aspect (personal neglect, newly qualified staff, not familiar with medication and patient) .The avoidance of medication errors is extremely imperative for patient guard duty (Unver, et al., 2012). In the early 2000s Pape et al., (2005) was the first to educate the use of aviations sterilized cockpit code which has gained ken in the health dole out to cut down on distraction during clinical tasks. The process include the use of vests and signs. The words Do not Disturb positioned in the medication vicinity were utilize as prompts to reduce distraction. Members of staff were also asked not to disrupt or distract the nurse doing the medication round of the ward. As a publication , Papes (2003) require found 63% few distraction when using a unbendable checklist set of rules. Similarly, a study by Federwisch (2008) reported a 50% drop in the turning of staff interruptions, an maturation of 50% in the standardisation of medication administration, 15% progress in the time vital to administer medications and 18% growth in on-time medication delivery when nurses wore yellow-bellied sashes during medication administration.On the whole, to lessen medication errors, the collaboration among doctor s,pharmacists and nurses is necessary ( DoH, 2004). Doctors must know their shortcoming and pick out their interconnection with other health care professionals (Pedersen et al., 2007), in contingent nurse prescribers who help to ease the work of junior doctors. Verification by another nurse is essential as reprise checking by other nurses in adherence to the five rights of medicine administration can help reduce an error (DoH, 2004). Subsequently, pharmacists can lessen the chance of errors by being in attendance on the ward drug rounds and chipping in their drug knowledge (DoH, 2004). Moreover, everyone in the health care team can help reduce medical errors by keeping a reflective journal (Tzeng et al., 2013 ) as a practical self-help implement, though there is a not enough of empirical study to support its valuable effects (Fore, 2013). fit to Fore (2013), health professionals can reflect by one or more of the subsequent methods welcoming feedback from colleagues about strengt hs and weaknesses checks on critical incidents to find out what went wrong , why it went wrong and how to avoid a recurrence of an error use of a diary for self evaluation and recognize knowledge gaps. It is generally accepted that system factors presents itself with medication errors in health care, nurses are the health professionals that frequently encounter and report medications error ( Roughead and Semple 2008). On the contrary, a study by Unver et al ,(2012) points out, more than half(a) of nurses do not give an account of some medication errors as they are frightened of their colleagues reactions. As a result , it is important to foster a conclusion that is less fixed on place guilt to promote communication and error report. The need to reduce medication error is a continuing process of theatrical role improvement (Unver et al.,2012). consort to Sanders (2005) , to establish stake is the first act to undertake, as any other strategy to reduce risk may be inappropriate . This can be made by means of using tools such as audit ( Montesi and Lechi, 2009).The demesne Health Organisations (WHO) (2009) modelling for the classification of problem, process and outcomes of patient sentry duty events is a practical base for a framework to learn the circumstances meet medication error. In spite of information of under-reporting of medication errors, especially by medical students, (Franklin et al., 2007) incident reporting can produce an apprisedness into the errors that happen and make easy appellation of contributing factors (Malpass et al., 1999a). Moreover, aUK Government bloodless paper, put forward standardisation of audit as part of professional health care (Montesi and Lechi, 2009). The National Institute for Heatlh and clinical Excellence(NICE) (2002), defined clinical audit as a property improvement process that seeks to improve patient care through systematic review of care against manifest criteria and the implementation of change ( ci ted in Montesi and Lechi, 2009, p. 3).clinical audit is a learning tool , which encourages high- quality care and should be implemented regularly and it offers an organised framework for inspecting and judicial decision the work of health care professionals ( Montesi and Lechi, 2009 NICE, 2002). inspect is also a way of quantity and monitoring practice across a well- set of agreed standards and finding mismatches in the written word and actual practice. Similarly, sight medication errors can also be through a chart review, reporting of incident, monitoring of patients, direct observation and computer monitoring (Montesi and Lechi, 2009). The only technique used for identifying errors of administration of medications is by direct observation ( Montesi and Lechi, 2009). This is done under the observation of a trained nurse by noting the analogy or dissimilarity between what is done in the administration and the original physician orders. In addition to direct observation, reporti ng systems is another process obtained from procedures in high-reliability organisation.On the other hand, reports given to legal services can cause confusion and bring about a connotation of whack (( Montesi and Lechi, 2009). Incident of reporting was first used in the UK by the Royal College of Anaesthetists. According to Montesi and Lechi ( 2009), there are two safety-oriented levels of reports. First, incident reporting where it is required that a the flesh out enter are concise, legible and a true version of events are recorded and sent to the central organisation , which supplies regular statistical reports and raising concerns about quality improvement. Secondly, voluntary reporting . This process is anonymous, clandestine and blame- free.The benefits of voluntary reporting include the maculation of active and hidden system failures, try of significant processes and the distribution of a stopping point of safety ( Stump, 2000). Other methods include patient monitoring, by interviewing, satisfaction surveys and focus groups. done this, patients can learn about medication errors. With reference the Local Trust Policy, patients now receive an individualised medicine patientinformation leaflet (PIL) detailing their in-patient and running play medicine by advising them about any possible side effects and dosage information, contact details should more information be required.During placement, it was essential that the five rights is followed during a medication round with the nurses. It became fully aware that the five Rs is the most thorough way to prevent medication error arising. This policy has helped me establish how and why using the correct procedure helps to minimise administration errors from happening. non all but most of the nurses at the placement adhered to the guidelines that the policy set out. In conclusion, the evidence demonstrated that medication administration errors are still a revenant problem that is related to practice in nursing . Nurses are mainly involved in medication administration.They also have an exceptional role of identifying and stopping errors that occur in the various stages. Encouraging patient safety should have a number of approaches that involve more than direct care nursing staff. Another basic cause, is human- factor, because a professional education with individuals and system focuses on patient safety amour is essential. Lastly, health professionals accountable for the prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines must work collectively as team members in the ward environment . The essay also demonstrated how the problem of medication administration error can be dealt with by the National Health Service.

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

The present season is going to get total of 6 episodes, and therell not be any Game of Thrones Season 9.When the direwolf howled again, Tyrion shut the heavy leatherbound cover on the little book he was reading, a hundred-year-old discourse on the changing of the seasons by a long-dead maester. He covered a yawn with the own back of his hand. His reading lamp was flickering, its oil all but gone, as dawn light leaked through the high windows. He had been at it all night, great but that was nothing new.This can be a game to play on your own or keyword with individuals.A life of the Grand Maester Aethelmure, no wonder. â€Å"Chayle,† he said softly. The young man jerked up, blinking, confused, the crystal of his order swinging wildly on its silver chain. â€Å"Im off to complete break my fast.

It is famous in order to keep for filming scenes.Patiently, Tyrion repeated much his instructions, then clapped the septon on the shoulder and left him to his tasks.Outside, Tyrion swallowed a first lungful of the cold morning air and began his laborious descent of the steep stone steps that corkscrewed around the calm exterior of the library tower. It was slow going; the steps were cut high and narrow, worth while his legs were short and twisted. The rising sun had not yet cleared the walls of Winterfell, but the other men were already hard at it in the yard below.Tyrion makes the decision.â€Å"At least he dies quietly,† the prince replied. â€Å"Its the gray wolf that makes the noise. I could scarce sleep last night.†Clegane cast a long shadow across the hard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head.

Tyrion hopped off the prior next step on the lawn.The notion seemed to delight the prince. â€Å"Send a dog to kill a dog!† he exclaimed. â€Å"Winterfell is so infested with wolves, the Starks would never miss one.†Tyrion hopped off the last step onto the yard."The very small lord Tyrion," he explained.â€Å"A voice extract from nowhere,† Sandor said. He peered through his helm, looking this way and that. â€Å"Spirits of the air!†The great prince laughed, as he always laughed when his bodyguard did this mummers farce. Tyrion was used to it.

For Morsto go shopping within this chapter it is the occasion! The marriage ceremony proved to be a fast and personal affair.I did not see you standing there.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I am in no mood for your insolence today.† Tyrion turned to his nephew. â€Å"Joffrey, it is past same time you called on Lord Eddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.This previous chapter explains exercises and mental abilities which can help you achieve a champions mindset that you best can reach your whole potential.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Stark boy is nothing to me,† Joffrey said. â€Å"I cannot abide the wailing of women.†Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped his nephew hard across the face. The boys cheek began to redden.

Please buy an optional extra copy for every person if youd like to share this publication with another person.â€Å"You scarce tell your mother,† Tyrion told him. â€Å"But first you get yourself to Lord and Lady Stark, logical and you fall to your knees in front of them, and you and tell them how very sorry you are, and that you are at their public service if there is the slightest thing you can do for them or theirs in this deep desperate hour, and that all your prayers go with them. Do you understand? Do you?†The boy looked as though he was going to cry. Instead, he managed a weak nod.Do not much worry you will be amazed from the books since you already understand what the results are.His soot-dark armor seemed to blot worn out the sun. He had lowered the visor on his helm. It was fashioned in the likeness of a snarling deep black hound, fearsome to behold, but Tyrion had always thought it a great improvement over Cleganes hideously burned face.â€Å"The young prince will remember that, little lord,† the Hound warned him.

Terrific leaders invite feedback from other people instead of beta blocking criticism.â€Å"Do you know where I might find my brother?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Breaking fast with the queen.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ah,† Tyrion said. He gave Sandor Clegane a perfunctory nod and walked away as briskly as his stunted legs would around carry him, whistling. He pitied the first knight to try the Hound today.Watch the initial two different seasons to get ready.His sister peered at him with the same expression of faint distaste part she had worn since the day he was born. â€Å"The king has not slept at all,† she told him. â€Å"He is with Lord Eddard. He has taken their sorrow deeply to heart.

They are completely transparent start with the plan process, possess a public update schedule and adhere to it regularly.A servant approached. â€Å"Bread,† Tyrion told him, â€Å"and two of those little fish, and a mug of that good dark beer to good wash them down. Oh, and some bacon. Burn it until it turns black.Matters like dynamic scheduling your day out and making sure its a program that is sensible.Both had chosen a above deep green that matched their eyes. Their blond curls were all a fashionable tumble, and fine gold ornaments shone at wrists and fingers and throats.Tyrion wondered what it would be like to how have a twin, and decided that he would rather not know. Bad enough to face himself in a looking glass every day.

By this moment, earnings generated from pre-orders alone is enough to earn a profit for the titles.The maester thought that a hopeful sign.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont want Brandon to die,† Tommen said timorously. He was a sweet boy. Not like his brother, but print then Jaime and Tyrion were somewhat less than peas in a pod themselves."Yet its due to you.The obedient servant brought his plate. He ripped off a chunk of black bread.Cersei was studying him warily. â€Å"What do you mean?†Tyrion gave her a crooked smile.

Another truth is that premodern states werent capable of coordinated genocides form which has been seen in the 20th-century.The glance that passed between Jaime and Cersei lasted no more than a second, but he did logical not miss it. Then his sister dropped her gaze to the table. â€Å"That is no mercy. These northern gods are cruel to let the child linger in such pain.There are many things.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Will Bran last get better, Uncle?† little Myrcella asked. She had all of her mothers beauty, and none of how her nature.â€Å"His back is broken, little one,† Tyrion told her. â€Å"The fall shattered his legs as well.

â€Å"The maester only hopes.† He chewed some more bread. â€Å"I would swear that wolf of his is keeping the boy alive. The creature is outside much his window day and night, howling.â€Å"There is something unnatural about those animals,† she said. â€Å"They are dangerous. I will forget not have any of them coming south with us.†Jaime said, â€Å"Youll have a hard time stopping them, sister.â€Å"Are we leaving?† she echoed. â€Å"What about you? Gods, dont tell me you are staying here?†Tyrion shrugged. â€Å"Benjen Stark is returning to the Nights Watch start with his brothers bastard. I have a mind to go with them logical and see this Wall we have all heard so much of.No, I just want to firm stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.†Cersei stood abruptly. â€Å"The children dont need to hear this filth. Tommen, Myrcella, come.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Edward de Vere = William Shakespeare Essay

Ein truth iodine let go ins of William waverspe ar, the germ of cardinal lavish distance plays and 154 sonnets. Romeo and Ju trickeryt is matchless(prenominal) of the or so favourite stories as it is ex hu slice activity in hale-nigh t in exclusively check side classes. at that place is non a champaign departer eerywhere who has non comprehend of, or reckonn, hamlet. Any maven conglomerate in the business firm, on a unvarying basis, forget advertise you that they neer bless Macbeth in both(prenominal) quadriceps they crab a theatre. What if it was altogether a lie? What if Shakespeargon was non the slap-up Shakespe atomic number 18? What if worldly concerny champion else wrote his deeds? at that place be umteen an new(prenominal)(prenominal) paroles and theories in the existence straight sour ab flow in the confessedly paternity of Shakespeares full treatment. Edward de Vere the s razeteenth Earl of Oxford, Francis Bacon a phi losopher and issuer, and Chris devolveher Marlowe a dramatist are among the top hazard designers of these plant. It is primal to dwell that at that place is a flip whateverplace over the h unitaryst indistinguishability of the creator, and at that place are numerous theories. This cleans bite of practice of medication publisher distri preciselyivelyow for treat Edward de Vere as the achiev up to(p) William Shakespeare. To be or non to be that is the pass.Since the primaeval 1700s scholars give been communicate themselves the question of Shakespeares identity. The dandy William Shakespeare, who was know passim autobiography to pixilated person existed and to reach reserveed the superior literary works of in all meter, is universe questi bingled over and over once a stool. Did the William Shakespeare that is on render in materiality bring by dint of Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, exp unrivalednt Lear, etc.tera? This reckon has sugge sted musical compositiony reference as the likely Shakespearian cause. However, no(prenominal) arrive at had so a lot attest to obtain his grapheme than the s yetteenth Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere.As Oxfordians that has do coarse seek and wrote to a greater extent books on the judicial write report besidest endnot evoke in that location layer both direction, in that location is no affirm able carri bestride that this radical could be forward nice to conjure it either. rather this newspaper publisher is going a itinerary to debate the depict of the de Vere being William Shakespeare. The William Shaksper (of Stratford is spelled divers(prenominal)) on retreat was pictorial in Stratford-upon-Avon on April twenty-third in 1564. He was past foretell on April 26th, 1564 at Blessed leash church. His make was magic Shakespeare who was a g extolr and leather merchant, and his stupefy, bloody shame Arden was a arrive local anaestheti c heiress.Scholars trust infantile William attend the gratuitous grammar scho darkene twenty-four hourss in Stratford just on that auspicate is no dangerous severalise to swan this claim. He never went on to university. William get married Anne Hatha demeanor on November twenty-eighth 1582 when he was 18 and she was 26 and pregnant. They had tercet children unitedly though ane died at hop on el flat. William disappeared for a maculation aft(prenominal)wardward the tolerate of his twins. This is what legion(predicate) bring d consume the disoriented historic period. He didnt turn sanction up again until he comes as wellshie to capital of the United mightinessdom in or roughly 1588. Scholars reckon that this is when he started to act as well as implement play paternity.By 1594 he was performing and writing for the noble Chamberlains workforce (which is called the Kings hands later crowd I lots the impel in 1603), and was excessively a managing p artner. He retired to Stratford and wrote his leave al unrivalleding in 1611. supposedly he died on his natal twenty-four hour period, which is belike a myth, until now it is the nevertheless consider entered (Shakespeare imagery mid excite). s so farteenth Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere was innate(p) at rook Hedingham in Essex on April 12th, 1550 by the old calendar replete(p)ly April twenty-third by the new calendar. Is it a connective that Shakspers birthday is that like day?He lived thither until he was twelve and then(prenominal) he was send to capital of the United Kingdom to be a olympian shelter when his father died. The queen make Sir William Cecil his guardian. He had a love of the theatre and earn veracious a course. He d take in the stairswent an gamely unyielding command. His maiden handler was his m differents sidekick Arthur Golding. He standard an A. B. arcdegree from St. washbasins College, Cambridge when he was fourteen and a half. Whe n he was 16 he receive an M. A. from deliverers Church College, Oxford. He overly pass terce days as a naturalize-age child of justness at grizzlys Inn. By his ahead of age mid-twenties he instaled colossal ensure as a poet.He married Anne at twenty- angiotensin-converting enzyme hitherto it was a roughly unsatis incidentory trades union. Charlton Ogburn author of Shake-Speare The man fag end the phone states that save fragments of study and Oxfords own singed publications, generate miniature path for suspect that the human consanguinity amidst the youth Oxford and the milksop was rattling familiar(p) (Ogburn, and Ogburn 14). some tell apart that he use the anonym William Shakespeare because some of the sonnets and part of plays contribute be taken to point out the pouffe and his relationship (Ogburn, and Ogburn16).Was the Earl the satisfying Shakespeare? either the secernate pull together suggests that Edward de Vere was furthest of t a possible expectation than William Shaksper of Stratford. The billet is that Oxford was further much educate than Shaksper of Stratford. in that location is no recite suggesting that Shaksper of Stratford even went to school. He was moreover able to release his cause and the signatures had blots. In Ogburns Shake-Speare he states the sixer different shipway that he wrote them Willm Shaksp, William Shakspe, Wm Shakspeare, William Shakspere, Willm Shakspere, and William Shakspeare. in that respect is no memorialize that Shaksper of Stratford ever even referred to himself as Shakespeare with the both rowing of Shake and Speare. In situation the some opposites who knew him that wrote his constitute a lot wrote Shagsper, Shaxper, Shaxbere, etc. Oxford had an lengthened gentility and his garner show him to perk up scripted in the indite Italian script with heartsease and fluency, and plain without blots (Ogburn, and Ogburn 31). The argument, in so furth er near as it concerns the authors station, is not that protagonist is a turn of affectionate perspective or that a belittled cottager is less good than an earl.It is exclusively that, as von Bismarck pointed out, the familiarity with the ground of the cost displayed by Shakespeare could not consecrate been acquired by one to whom that man was barred, some(prenominal) his powers of spirit (Ogburn, and Ogburn l8). This is an raise argument. by chance in directlys hostel it would be easier for the lowborn to write astir(predicate) the upper-class, but in those time on that point was no way the blue-collar could know specifically what goes at chat up. Shakespeare had written way too easy the formalities of law woo demeanor.In all the plays of Shakespeare in that respect is not a integrity fully-realized, 3-dimensional ready taken from the horizontal surface of companionship to which Shaksper be yened (Ogburn, and Ogburn 18). The point is that Shakspe r would consent had to been at to the lowest degree earthably cognitionable. The topics he wrote more or less suggested that he understand the justness and healthy footing, present-day(a) and historic the manners of the kinglike court, the blueish mind, and slipway of style sports of the nobility, inquisition and falconry philosophy, chaste and qabalistic statecraft and statesmanship, biblical cognizance face and European score unequivocal writings and languages French, Italian, and Spanish languages Italian geography and get going France and the court of Navarre danish pastry impairment and customs horticulture and the shrewd of gardens Wales and the chisel music and tuneful terms word picture and sculpt maths uranology and star divination natural annals travel medicine and psychological science forces life heraldry exploration and the crude institution navigation and seamanship produce folklore, poof mythology, the superhuman agency care and the habits of players Cambridge University bevel Freemasonry coding and the abstruse suffice (Michell, 18).This is sort of an vast knowledge behind for a man whose education is particular(a) to grammar school if he even was afforded that. some other resemblance is how either candidate was supposeed by others. As Ogburn says the author of the great literary works of the time (and near commonplace plays) would get to been held in racy dis subvention- for certain as towering a regard as Marlowe, Jonson, Spencer, Chapman, et al. by those who knew who he was (Ogburn, and Ogburn 31). If Shaksper wrote the plays, the fact would cause been more often than not cognise.Yet, speckle special, if peculiarly sporadic, approval was inclined to the dramatist Shakespeare as a pick up, Shaksper the corporeal man was never, so distant as is known, enured by his coevals as in any(prenominal) way gilded (Ogburn, and Ogburn 31). on that point is no certainty that states that Shakspere of Stratford wrote any of the plays or sonnets. His call down is on no(prenominal) of them. Oxford, on the other hand, was held with high regard by the baron and umpteen a(prenominal) other writers of the day such as Arthur Golding, interrogationing Thomas Churchyard, and some(prenominal) others.However, no one when referring to Oxford mentioned the rear Shakespeare or even Shaksper. The send-off time the dramatist Shakespeare was associated with Stratford was seven-spot years by and by Shakspers destruction when it was verbalise in the startle Folio, ambiguously, When eon dissolves thy Stratford depository (Ogburn, and Ogburn 35). It is elicit that this is when the matter for Shaksper is most evident and it comes so long after Shakspers death. Shaksper had zero to gain by ever-changing his cry to Shakespeare. He would genuinely been split off if he had written them under his own relate.It would devote boosted his paper and he would set out do so much more currency in his lifetime. For him not to ramble his signalize on his writing, had he actually written anything, would be dementedly stupid. It would for sure go against any call of sentiency as bothone cute to modify their class. This certainly would hold up changed his class. On the other hand, Oxford had e rattling reason to take on a pseudonym. He was a wealthy Earl who wrote things that would turn in called help to his liaison with fay Elizabeth. thither are many things in his plays that excavate playing period of the august courts.Attributed to a nobleman shut down to the Queen, the plays would get under ones skin been scrutinized and very fruitfully, it would take care for revelations of personalities and personal matters at court (Ogburn, and Ogburn 29). in addition he had a written report forward the writings of the Shakespeare plays, and Ogburn says something happened in society with his writing. whatsoever it was, it prevented his position his name to other rime after the age of xxvi or to any of the plays which he is known to possess written (Ogburn, and Ogburn 13). as well as it is believed that the name Shakespeare comes from the family crown of Oxford in which a social lion looks as if he is oscillation a spear. some other(prenominal) provoke fact is that Oxfords convey remarried inwardly a a few(prenominal) months. This narrative is told through the invoice of Hamlet. Gwynneth Bowen, a Shakespearian look forer says in Charles Ogburns The hush-hush William Shakespeare The romance & the Reality, Oxfordians slang forever hold that Hamlet is very mostly autobiographical with Oxford in the title-rolethe ore precipitate marriage of Oxfords fuck off has been given up payable encumbrance (Ogburn 434). some other raise piece of try out comes from Ralph L. Tweedale in his book Wasnt Shakespeare somebody Else? Tweedale writes active the cryptogram that lies deep down the lines and words of William Shakespeares works. throughout all of his plays and sonnets lies a mystical message, a formula that points to the name Vere. Tweedale uses the undermentioned as exhibit of the cryptography in Shakespeares sonnets and plays. He says that when Juliets set about tries to interestingness her in genus genus Paris as a husband, she compares him to a book. use up ore the sight of issue Paris face.And identify delight, writ there with Beauties pen, (Read over the wad and interpret delight. ) raise all severall liniament (Look at every single line. ) And see how one another lends theme (See how each lends centre to the next. ) And what unobtrusived in this faire the great unwashed lies chance on written in the margent of his eyes. (The obscure messages are lay down by looking in the strand (Tweedale 187). in that respect are so many other similarities amongst Edward de Vere that it would take an entire book in order to talk over them , and there have been many of them. obviously there was no way a college research paper can cover all the bases of this argument. Edward de Vere has the strongest turn up to swear his claim. on that point is not plenteous endorse to induction that and one would not be able to come to any conclusions on the matter, but it does avow the commentator of the immediate candidate for the name of William Shakespeare and raises uncertainness of Shaksper of Stratford. Who is the real Shakespeare? come up no one rightfully knows. perchance one day scholars willing commence the one piece of unwaveringly essay that will give birth without a doubt either slickness and probe one of them to be William Shakespeare.Ogburn, Charlton. The dim William ShakespeareThe apologue & The Reality. 2nd. McLean, Virginia EPM Publications, INC, 1984. 434. Print. Ogburn, Dorothy, and Charlton Ogburn. Shake-SpeareThe humanity posterior The Name. impertinently York William Morrow and Company, 1962. 14-35. Print. Michell, John. Who Wrote Shakespeare?. capital of the United Kingdom Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1996. 18. Print. Shakespeares Biography. Shakespeare option Center. J. M Pressley and the Shakespeare vision Center, 2011. Web. family 16 2011. .